
Monday, March 11, 2013

Status update: Start finishing!

After having painted for little over a month now, almost ten hours every week I have com to realize that patience and focus does not seem to suit me at all!

 So far i have finished three miniatures and started around forty! I firmly believe that without finishing there is no way you can get better with your painting, continue reading to figure out why and see whats currently left to finish and my strategy going forward. Also please give your view on how, if one should even think about it, to approach progressing the hobby....
Not having painted for a couple of days got me thinking of what I wanted to paint yesterday. Mainly because trying to paint something you dont want to will kill motivation right off the bat. So i took all the started miniatures out of my "WIP" box. There were a lot more than i had imagined....

This struck me a little bit and I decided to apply a little strategy to the hobby work. Mainly because I like the satisfaction of finishing work and starting a new project every day is hardly making progress :-)

I love the big finecast miniatures and the metal characters avaiable out there, unfortunately I dont see myself skilled enough to make them justice, even more unfortunate is the fact that I in my youth spent tons of money on these awesome creations but never mustered the guts to paint them, so there are a lot of them laying around at home....

So here is my strategy to become confident enough to give two striking miniatures a fair a shot:

Bloodthirster of Khorne
Picture is property of Games-Workshop(C) and is currently used without permission

Step 1: 
Finishing the regiment of Khorne Berzerkers lying around. Painting basic units is a perfect way in my opinion to master basic skills. Repetitive using techniques to base, layer and highlight a Khorne inspired colour scheme.

Step 2:
Get my hands on a box of Blootletters and pain them in a khornish gory style, putting focus on blending layers amd fine details like horns and claws.

Step 3:
Digging into that Bloodthirster, which is in fact all metal as it was purchased before resin molding became advanced enough!

Ghazkull Thraka
Picture is property of Games-Workshop(C) and is currently used without permission

 Step 1:
Not really Warhammer 40K but still Orks, the first step would beto finish off the Warhammer Orc regiment, mainly to get into the groove of paining things in a Orky manner.

Step 2:
Purchase a small group of Ork Kommandos, get them painted with great attention to detail. They have mor intricate clothing and details than the regular boyz which is a natural step up.

Step 3:
Finish two Ork Meganobs assembled an ready in the box! This is where the preparation for Ghazkull has to happen. Any mistakes with Meganob armor or tribal markings can be made here to identify the right steps to take when painting the GT miniature.

Step 4:
Ghazkull´s up!

Maybe you have noticed a theme going through all the steps. Maybe this is obvious to you guys but going from lower ranked troops to higher is slightly increasing the hobby as you go along!

Whats your take on having a startegy to progress or achieve a goal in something as non-competitive as a hobby like paining (I know Golden Deamon is out there but sitll)? To structured or a necessity to keep developing...

Stay tuned!

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