
Saturday, February 16, 2013

Status update: Where to begin?

Well not having painted for a decade and a half poses a question to you: At what level is my skill?
After going through the models I had painted in my teens I realized that my skills were not half as good as the fifteen year old version of me thought :-)

I never watered down paint, never spent time on analyzing the difference between blending and dry brushing or having patience with the miniatures.

Hence my new take is with humility, i will start from scratch and really do whats nessecary to get good... Practice, practice, practice...

Also the biggest challenge and what i am looking forward to the most is to paint a killer orc warrior, this use to just be bolt gun metal with a quick splash of armor wash and then goblin green with the crevices painted in.
There might be a white metal Ghazkull Thraka i want to give justice to quite soon.

On my list is:
- Blending
- Dry brushing
- When to use the two and how to combine them

- Not just have a blob of flesh base paint with Reikand wash over it :-)

- Really get thin lining going on edges

- Wow, looking at pictures from GW and several blogs has made me realize how far the concept of a well designed and painted ground for the miniature to stand on has become. Back in the day it was: Glue some sand on, base with Dark Angels green and then dry brush with goblin green = Done!

You will see a lot of pictures of similar or the same model painted with different techniques, just because i want to learn more from the outcome.

The first goal of this comeback is to: Master the fundamentals and have patience. Something I never seemed to have appreciated as much as now.

Stay tuned...

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