
Saturday, March 30, 2013

Status update: Best thing since sliced bread!

This will probably not come as a surprise for a lot of you veteran painters out there. But it was really an eye opener for me. Hopefully a couple of beginners read this and don't have to wait some twenty three years before finding it out ;-)

Its paint thinner!

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Status update: Under Construction!

The theme of the blog has been out of the box, basic, standard blogger setup. I have had a couple of ideas of how i wanted it to look but never executed.

As I have focused more time on painting rather than designing the blog, which is probably a good thing :-)

I never got around to facelift the page. Well instead of planning and dwelling over it, I just got to it last night. Over the coming week it might look unfinished, so: Pardon the Interruption, we´re rebuilding...

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Showcase: Space Wolves Long Fang

After the debacle that was the Space Wolves Cyclone terminator (that actually ended up in the bin), I shaped up and started the first of five from a Long Fang space marine pack. Below you can witness the finished result.

 Click to see more.....

Thursday, March 21, 2013

WIP: Orc regiment 1st part

The first pictures from the progress of the Orc regiment I assembled a while ago. After having base coated all twenty, then starting out with batches of four. I have got as far as highlighting the black clothes, painting armor and metal and come halway through finishing the orc skin!


Saturday, March 16, 2013

WIP: Space Wolves Long Fang

If you read my first space wolves post you know that my work on the Cyclone terminator Wolf guard was all but satisfactory.

In fact i thought the result was so bad i decided to scrap the miniature all together and start on a pack of long fangs instead...

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Showcase: Another Orc boy

Having posted the other day about finishing what I started. Here is the first result after that. This orc musician was actually started at the same time as the first orc boy I finished. But i have been dragging my heels to get it done.

Stick around to see more...

Monday, March 11, 2013

Status update: Start finishing!

After having painted for little over a month now, almost ten hours every week I have com to realize that patience and focus does not seem to suit me at all!

 So far i have finished three miniatures and started around forty! I firmly believe that without finishing there is no way you can get better with your painting, continue reading to figure out why and see whats currently left to finish and my strategy going forward. Also please give your view on how, if one should even think about it, to approach progressing the hobby....

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Showcase: Khorne Berzerkers

After completing the third Khorne Berzerker since taking up painting again i figured there is time for displaying a couple of pictures of finished models as supposed to tons of work in progress.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

WIP: Orc boyz, assembly night!

I mentioned in a previous post my rejuvenated love for the greenskins, having finished one orc boy and having two more in the pipeline, I decided that it was time  for some mass painting completing an entire regiment that i knew i had laying around.

Little did i know that only the plastic wrapping was broken and nothing in it was assembled.

I did a quick count and realized that it would add up to a full twenty boyz lining up so i got to it and also found a little surprise laying around....